Some of the best living standards exist in Iceland. The nation is well educated and enjoys high employment rates, high salaries and long vacations. This is achieved with ever increasing automation in production industries and focus on higher product value.

Primary and secondary schools focus on the well-being of their young students and the colleges provide good support for both technical and university studies.

Crime rates are low and life expectancy the highest of all OECD countries, so the health system must be great! Since the days of settlers Helgi and his wife Thorunn, gender equality has been our tradition for over thousand years of Christianity, and hopefully that mutual respect will never change. Culture life is thriving, with high-class concerts in the local pubs and culture halls, museums (e.g. a world-class flight museum) and outdoor activities.

One of the most popular ski resort in the country is located just minutes from Akureyri and the selection of sport activities for children and grown-ups alike is long. A festive dinner enjoying local 'clean food' (no antibiotics or growth hormones) on a bright summer evening is an adventure by itself.